Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dumpling Bazaar

Be sure to come to the Swift Current Library Dumpling Bazaar on September 9, from 2-3:30pm. Hear dumpling stories from around the world, and try many different kinds of dumplings. Also, you will get a copy of the Dumpling Bazaar Recipe Booklet, so you can make dumplings yourself. Tickets are $2, please purchase them in advance. Be sure to follow the Dumpling Bazaar Blog for more information and recipes. http://dumplingbazaar.blogspot.com

Friday, August 15, 2008

Review - The Baabaasheep Quartet

The Baabaasheep Quartet by Leslie Elizabeth Watts is a wonderful story about four friends who retire to the city, form a quartet, and win a singing contest. These friends are sheep, and everyone knows that sheep sing beautifully. This book was a 2006 Shining Willow Award nominee. It was my personal favourite of the nominees, though it was not the winner. The library even put on a performance where four members of the Swift Current Chamber Singers came and acted out the story, finishing off the performance by singing some Barbershop Quartet repertoire. This book has the right balance of a moral message and a fun story, and I'd recommend it to anyone. Remember, you can borrow this book, and many others at Swift Current Public Library.

No more shows, but it's not over yet!

Be sure to keep reading and bringing in your reading logs until August 20th to be entered in the draws. Also, be sure to keep reading for the rest of your life, because it activates your prefrontal cortex, and therefore, keeps your brain in shape.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Watching Eye Magic Show - Roger Boucher

Make sure you don't miss the final show of the 2008 Summer Reading Program, "Watching Eye Magic Show" with Roger Boucher. Wednesday August 13, at 2pm. His illusions will shock and amaze, and it's sure to be a magical experience. Even after this final show, be sure to keep reading, and bringing in your completed reading logs, as we will still accept them until August 20th, and you will get more entries into the draw for prizes.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

If you missed a show...

In case you missed any Summer Reading Program shows, we now have videos on Youtube. http://www.youtube.com/user/SwiftCurrentLibrary

Friday, August 1, 2008

No show this week.

Because of the upcoming Stat Holiday, there will be no Summer Reading Program show on August 6. That does not mean you can't come to the library, but we will not be having a show. Take this time to go home with your families, and reflect on the true meaning of Civic Holiday.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Nothing But Nonsense Day

Have the social implications of broccoli transit got you down? Are the chances of a random object being a scone being one in six too low probability for you? Do you feel that brick is too soggy? Do you enjoy fourier transforms? How about those taken of cats? Have you ever fashioned a trebuchet out of string and literary deconstruction? Then the Summer Reading Program show, Nothing But Nonsense Day, is for you. Come to the library at 2pm tomorrow, Wednesday, July 30. With nonsense rhymes, silly jokes and riddles, and the Musicians of Bremen puppet play. Come to the library and enjoy the show. So, in the words of Ernest Hemingway, "Buy a lot of RAM."




Colla parte.

